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Pages relating to the NeIC strateic area for Bio- and medical sciences.

Coordinator: User:Joel Hedlund
Stakeholder forum: BMS advisory forum

The overarching purpose of the bio- and medical sciences is to improve the human condition. This involves for example to cure disease and improve quality of life, or counteract societal risks like pollution and overperscription. While these disciplines have not traditionally been very computer-intensive, recent technical innovations are expected to push requirements for data storage and processing into the Exa-scale (billions of Gb) within the near future. Also, in many of the most relevant applications for us humans, this data often concerns highly sensitive information on individuals, like medical diagnoses or smoking habits, so research into these topics must be done with highest possible regard to security, integrity and ethics.

NeIC BMS coordinates Nordic efforts for providing world-class services to support researchers facing these challenges, to build a better tomorrow.