Stakeholder engagement monitoring

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This policy was instated by NeIC on 2017-02-16 for phase-in in ongoing activities. In the phase-in period, some adjustments of the policy are expected to be required, in order to accommodate for new requirements imposed by different preconditions and circumstances facing the different activities, which were not known at the time of writing this policy. First report to Board on stakeholder engagements based on this policy is planned to occur in March 2018.

This page describes how NeIC monitors its stakeholder engagements, to ensure that they are carried out appropriately according to the NeIC Stakeholder engagement plan. The NeIC stakeholder engagement monitoring process has been put in place in response to Strategic action FA-4c Implement stakeholder and partnership monitoring milestone 1 Routines for stakeholder and partnership monitoring in 2017, including routine for revising the engagement plan.

The NeIC Stakeholder engagement manifesto is a 1-pager background document that explains the philosophy behind NeIC stakeholder engagement, and puts this document in context.

This page provides an overview of NeIC's stakeholder engagements, organized according to the NeIC stakeholder engagement plan. The intent is to have all records of NeIC's engagements intuitively reachable from this page, along with metainformation like whom to contact in case of missing information.

As a rule of thumb, records of NeIC's governance, reference and strategic engagements are openly published on the external wiki, whereas internal working materials are made available on the internal wiki. The summary tables at the top of this page link to definitions in the stakeholder engagement plan (left and middle columns) and to processes for engagement monitoring (right column) which are described in detail below.

This page is used by NeIC in information review, and to carry out annual report on stakeholder engagements to the NeIC board. The stakeholder map, engagement plan and monitoring mechanism will be revised for the next strategy period.

Strategic engagements

Stakeholder category Stakeholders Engagement Means and Frequency
(y, 6, q, m, w, d)
Strategic partners DeIC,
Board (q),
Provider forum (q),
Dialogue meetings (y)
Hosting organization NordForsk Directorial meetings (m)
Funders NOS-N, National research councils Reports and publications (y)
Policy level Nordic council of ministers,
National ministries
NordForsk board (y)

Tactical engagements

Cross-cutting engagements

Engagement plan: Stakeholder engagement plan#Cross-cutting engagements

Topical workshops

Engagement plan: Stakeholder engagement plan#Topical workshops

Workshops should be announced in the NeIC Event calendar, analogous to the process described in the #Outreach section. Workshop events should be tagged with #workshop.

Workshop reports should be published on the external wiki, reachable through Category:Report.

The link to the report should be added in an intuitive manner to the event in the Event calendar.

NeIC conference

Engagement plan: Stakeholder engagement plan#NeIC conference

NeIC runs NeIC conferences as #Activities.

Reference groups and outreach

Engagement plan: Stakeholder engagement plan#Project reference groups

Reference group engagement and outreach is carried out by #Activities. Processes are described in the sections #Reference and #Outreach.

Descriptions of monitoring processes follow below.


Most NeIC stakeholder engagements are carried out as part of normal interactions inside NeIC activities.

Current and past NeIC activities are listed on the Activities page.

Activities should have an external wikipage and an internal wikipage.

The external wikipage should intuitively provide (either directly or through intuitive linking):

  • Contact information; to governance, management, reference, and team.
  • Status (eg phase); as preparation, execution, conclusion, or finished.
  • Governance documents, eg:
    • collaboration agreement
    • steering group terms of reference
    • project directive
    • project plan
    • minutes (cf below)
    • etc...
  • Results.
  • Link to internal wikipage.

Activity pages should intuitively describe, for example in a "Documents" section or link:

  1. Which types of engagements they have (cf below).
  2. Where to find record of the engagements.
  3. The expected frequencies of engagement.
  4. Person responsible for maintaining this information.
  5. In case of deviations from nominal NeIC routines (outlined below): rationale for deviation.

Meeting minutes should make note of who were invited and who were actually participating.


Example: Project Steering Group meetings.

Approved governance minutes should be published on the external wiki, reachable from Category:Steering group meetings.

Frequency: 3-4 meetings annually. Physically if possible, otherwise online.

Responsible: Activity owner.


Examples: Reports, Publications, Software, Services, etc.

Results in the form of documents should be published on the external wiki, and other forms should be suitably linked, reachable from Category:Reports.

Frequency: According to activity plan (eg project plan).

Responsible: Activity leader.


Example: Project Office meetings between Project Manager and Project Owner.

These minutes are seen as internal working documents. Thus they should be made available on the internal wikipage for each activity, reachable from Category:Management meetings. (cf Openness policy#Privacy and management overhead).

Shared managerial personnel information should be stored and made available according to the NeIC Shared personnel information policy#Shared managerial information.

Frequency: Typically weekly, normally online.

Responsible: Activity leader.


Example: Project Reference Group meetings

Approved minutes should be published on the external wiki, reachable from Category:Reference group meetings.

Frequency: 3-4 meetings annually. Physically if possible, otherwise online.

Reference group meetings are #Cross-cutting engagements.

Responsible: Activity leader.


Example: Presentation at international conferences, Major Publications

Materials should be published on the external wiki.

Outreach events should also be entered into the NeIC events calendar, following style guidelines described on the Event calendar page.

Additionally, outreach events in the NeIC events calendar should:

  • Link to the outreach materials, eg presentations, reports, webcasts, etc.
  • Be tagged with the activity name, eg #tryggve.
  • Be tagged and with #publication if the outreach materials are important enough to be considered a NeIC Publication.

Frequency: annually.

Responsible: Activity leader.


Example: Team status and progress update meetings.

These minutes are seen as internal working documents. Thus they should be made available on the internal wikipage for each activity, reachable from Category:Team meetings. (cf Openness policy#Privacy and management overhead).

Frequency: Typically weekly, normally online. Activity leader site visits annually. All-hands meetings annually.

Responsible: Activity leader.

Provider dialogue meetings

Minutes from dialogue meetings between NeIC and individual board organizations (eg the Nordic national e-infrastructure provider organizations) are seen as internal working documents and are kept on the internal wiki, accessible by NeIC XT.


Responsible: Gudmund Høst, NeIC dir.

Dialogue meetings

Minutes from dialogue meetings between NeIC and other organizations are generally seen as internal working documents and are as a rule not quality-controlled for publication.

Examples include meetings between NeIC and:

Responsible: Gudmund Høst, NeIC dir.


NeIC carries out all-hands meetings as #Activities.


Example: annual development dialogues between individual staff and their NeIC manager.

Records of these engagements are not published (cf Shared personnel information policy).

Responsible: NeIC Manager.

Major publications

Major NeIC publications should be published on the external wiki, reachable from Public documents.

They should also be carried out as described in the #Outreach section.

Policy level

NeIC formally reports annually to the NordForsk board, where policy makers participate. Records are kept in NordForsk board meeting minutes.

Responsible: Gudmund Høst, NeIC dir.

General public
