Nordic WLCG tier-1 facility
NDGF or NT1 - The Nordic distributed WLCG Tier-1 facility
Phase: Stable operations.
Steering group
Meetings, 3-4 per year: NT1 SG meeting minutes
Please see the NeIC official website.
NLCG Committee (Reference group)
The Nordic LHC computing grid committee is acting as reference group.
- Terms of Reference: NLCG Committee ToR
Meetings, 4 per year: NLCG meetings agenda (restricted).
Please see the NeIC official website.
Meetings, weekly: NT1 team meetings (internal).
Please see the NeIC official website.
Meetings, Weekly: Minutes see Management section in Regular Weekly Status Meetings
Please see the NeIC official website.
All public reports can be found on the WLCG Web site. Historically the NT-1 Tier-1 is still called NDGF. Direct links to the official reports (getting updated in case of error):
- Reporting overview
- Accounting
- Reliability/Availability
- Quarterly Reports:
Other data representations can also be found at the following sources (but it is the reports above that should be cited):
- REBUS for NT-1
- EGI Accounting Portal for NT-1
- Argo Availability Reliability stats
- [Chaperon: Week in review in our own Nagios monitoring
Internally number of publications are collected at [1].
But this information is not secret and everyone can have a look at the publications themselves:
Number of publications for ATLAS for a certain date range (e.g. 2018):
- Go to and enter the following query
find cn ATLAS and date 01-01-2018->31-12-2018
Number of publications for ALICE for a certain date range (e.g. 2018):
- Go to and enter the following query
find cn ALICE and date 01-01-2018->31-12-2018
Other outreach
Note: All travels to events and representations collected in the internal part of the wiki