Glenna F2F Kastrup 2016 03 15

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Glenna F2F - March 15th 2016

Time: Tuesday 2016-03-15
Place: Hilton Copenhagen Airport Denmark
Contact person: Dan Still.
Address of the location: 20 Ellehammersvej Kastrup 2770 Denmark +45 (32 ) 501501


 9:30 - 15:30
  Welcome & SG meeting review (Michaela)
  Project Status (Dan)
  Blue Prints Demo and Presentation (20 min)
  Future: Nordic Cloud Planning Group (send out ToR after Wednesday, Michaela)
  Lunch (12:00)
  DeIC Data service presentation (Lars) 20min + 10 min login exercise slides
  Login to open stack data cloud Tutorial and Workshop (Uwe Grawert) 30 min 
  Coffee (14:00)
  Fixing date for 2nd workshop (broader public, not just participants from within Glenna)
  Eventual time over: hands on work on deliverables


Glenna reference group members as well as Glenna project personnel are entitled to reimbursements of travel expenses from NeIC. Principles for the reimbursements are explained here.

For requesting the travel reimbursements please fill in the NordForsk form. Please note that original receipts need to be attached to the form. The form and receipts should be sent to:

      Pål Pettersen
      Stensberggata 25
      NO-0170 Oslo

If in doubt whether you are eligible for reimbursement, please contact Dan Still.

Remote connection

We will try to provide you with some remote connection, so you can listen in.

You don't need to register if you only want to connect remotely.

If you have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before:

Registration and Participants

Please register in advance through the Doodle poll at or register by email to Dan Still
