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Glenna2 steering group meeting

Time: Monday 2018-12-10 at 13:00-16:00 CET
Place: VideoConference

Live Minutes

Approved: Yes


  • Aleksi Kallio, representing CSC, FI
  • Magnús Gíslason, representing CSUI, IS
  • Olav Kvittem, representing UNINETT Sigma2, NO
  • Andreas Hellander, representing SNIC, SE
  • Dan Still Project Manager representing NeIC
  • Michaela Barth, NeIC Executive Manager, representing NeIC, Chair


Google Hangouts



Glenna2 SG 18-26. Welcome and presence
Glenna2 SG 18-27. Decision on DeiC funding and discussion on contents of new Deep Learning Task
Glenna2 SG 18-28. NeIC announcements
Glenna2 SG 18-29. DP checklist and business case
Glenna2 SG 18-30. Benefit analysis
Glenna2 SG 18-31. Proposal opportunities
Glenna2 SG 18-32. AOB and selfassessment
Glenna2 SG 18-33. Next meeting


Glenna2 SG 18-26. Welcome and Presence

(5 min)

Presence: Dan Still, Michael Barth, Aleksi Kallio, Olav Kvittem, Andreas Hellander

Known Absences: Magnús Gíslason (ill)

Glenna2 SG 18-27. Decision on DeiC funding and discussion on contents of new Deep Learning Task

According to the their own wish expressed in a DeiC-NeIC dialogue meeting on 2018-10-26 and formalized with follow-up mails on 2018-11-05 and 2018-11-07 the Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation DeiC is no longer a partner of the Glenna2 project. DeiC will not claim any expenses under the project and the reserved NeIC co-funding can be redistributed to the other partners pending corresponding matching funding or being restituted to NeIC according to SG decisions and NeIC XT advice. Withdrawal costs don’t apply. (Compare 9.4 in the signed Collaboration Agreement and archived email on DeiC's withdrawal).

Discussion: The total remaining co-funding reserved from NeIC towards DeiC after the first correction was 1.5 FTE for the whole project duration. In the light of the current overall NeIC budget situation, NeIC would like to restitute 0.5 FTE. The remaining 12 PMs would have to be matched by the partners. Any uneven distribution among the remaining partners needs a SG decision.

Swedish proposal: Swedish competencies can start in January. Matching co-funding available for 6 PMs

Norway: run Kubeflow on top of Kubernetes, plus compare results to complementing alternatives to Kubeflow, AI center in Trondheim Sigma: matching co-funding for 3PMs, pending Norwegian discussions.

PM: Compare previous scenarios with choosing OpenStack and converge IaaS solutions in the past which was very beneficial.

Finland: development on wide front of interest, Kubeflow is definitely one possible direction. archive ML digitisation and curation project usecase, matching co-funding for 3 PMs, competence will start on 7th of January

It is the services underneath that are of interest, not Kubeflow per see, it needs to be tested if Kubeflow is the right framework underneath. Could be performance benchmarking on TensorFlow on top of Kubeflow or alternatives.

Outcome: publications and reports Synergies will come from the tools, not from the usecases.

Decision: The SG decides to add a new target on “Evaluating infrastructure and platforms for AI/ML” under aim3. The budget will be distributed as follows: SE: 6+6 PMs, FI: 3+3 PMs and NO: 3+3 PMs. The remaining 6PMs reserved for DeiC are reistituted to NeIC.

Glenna2 SG 18-28. NeIC Announcements

Discussion: Michaela gave an overview of the currently discussed ideas for future NeIC strategy within XT.

Glenna2 SG 18-29. DP checklist and business case

DP checklist template updated: Glenna2 DP checklist

Decision: The SG has been informed of the current SG DP checklist.

Glenna2 SG 18-30. Benefit analysis

Reworked benefit list with RG input in business case document:

Discussion: Benefit realisation plan for Glenna2 (see 18-39 in NeIC Board September minutes, and previous discussion)

One joint Nordic OpenStack membership and developer.

Advanced user support has no obvious future solution and needs to be discussed.

Rapid time to market: Appstore needs to be added to business change list.

Continuation of collaborational aspects with semi regular meetings is desirable even after the end of Glenna2.

Decision: Michaela to propose a benefit realisation plan based on the discussion and discuss with the RG.

Michaela shared a picture of an internal NeIC XT benefit analysis done in preparation of a project portfolio management course depicting how well Glenna scores in the current NeIC strategy.

Glenna2 SG 18-31. Proposal opportunities

Discussion: (see background via email) Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment

Decision: Proposals are out of direct Glenna2 scope, but maybe of interest for some of our usecases.

Glenna2 SG 18-32. AOB and Selfassessment

Discussion: Michaela presented the idea of having rotating chairs for the SG chair.

Decision: Current model works well, the SG is happy with the current solution. It would be hard to maintain the standard of NeIC management otherwise.

SNIC Board decided that Andreas Hellander will stay in the Glenna2 SG until the end of the project.

Glenna2 SG 18-33. Next meeting


  • AP Dan to make a doodle poll
  • AP Dan provide an updated version of the projectplan