E3DDS SG Meeting 20200205
E3DDS steering group meeting
Time: 2020-02-05 10h00-12h00 CET
Place: https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/9917669499
- Craig Heinselman, EISCAT
- Yasunobu Ogawa, EISCAT
- Tomasz Malkiewicz, NeIC, Project owner
- John White, NeIC, Project manager
Presence, approval of agenda (5')
Next meeting
- E3DDS SG concluding meeting on 2020-05-12 10h00-11h30 CET
- F2F meeting with a possibility to attend via Zoom
Project status
The project plan is being followed:
- PDF version at: https://wiki.neic.no/wiki/EISCAT_3D_Data_Solutions#Documents
- The google docs version is at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rgO0qtHJR6zjigdQ2KytFD3ySLH11XvasvSpJNCBVGg/
- Project works well... good attendance to meetings
- Deliverable documents are "owned" by the partners. So far has worked well.
- From the last meeting "The E3DDS project should update DO2 according to the testing and network."
- We are updating the document still...
- After the Stakeholder meeting in Tromso, we now look at the high-bandwidth network option.
- Changes the on-site computing and diagrams.
- EISCAT gitlab works nicely.
- Still underway.
- FSRU and server testing still underway by EISCAT_3D project.
- Practical help on White Rabbit deployment.
- Document underway.
- First cost offer from HPC2N to run dCache as part of NT1.
- Summary:
- 1 M($ Euro CHF) buys 20 PB of disks. 6.5 PB/rack.
- 70 kEuro/y Power and cooling and man power. 0.5 FTE in the NT1 budget.
- 24/7 operations (within NT1 operations).
- AP John: Add two items to the list: due date and usage example (e.g. for batch queue system)
Test Cluster
- FSRU acceptance final?
- One test EPYC server.
- Still have a valid offer from Umea to host a test FSRU/EPYC servers cluster
- AP John: Consider testing with FSRU placed in Kiruna and processing in Umeå
WAN Topology
- NORDUnet presented the high-bandwidth options.
- Updated DO1 (DO1.1) presents the option and savings.
- Zero computing on remote sites.
- WAN options note being produced: https://wiki.neic.no/int/E3DDS_WAN_Options_note
- To be added to DO1.1
Data Transfer Tests
- Tests done in cooperation with Vincent and Janos
- https://wiki.neic.no/int/E3DDS_Data_Transfer_Tests
- We wait for FSRU/EPYC connected system to test data transfer under realistic conditions.
Benefit realization management
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFN7bPoWfqT2reRf4P0g2W9FzAw8bOlA0UXLJu-qqcM/edit?usp=sharing
NeIC Affiliate programme
- https://neic.no/affiliates/
- E3DDS eligible in 2021
EISCAT SAC meeting
- Invited for March 24th.
- Present the findings and collaborations of E3DS/E3DDS
- E3DDS Stakeholder meeting in Umeå on 2020-04-28
Presence, approval of agenda (5')
- Craig Heinselman, EISCAT
- Yasunobu Ogawa, EISCAT
- Tomasz Malkiewicz, NeIC, Project owner
- John White, NeIC, Project manager
Agenda approved as presented.
Project status
Question: How about adding metadata as a subject? Noted that the DataCite and Invenio are not ideal candidates.
- This is being addressed in the DO2 document, Section 11.4.
- Action: John to inquire whether use of existing metadata catalogue as a test is possible.
Question: Estimation of the prompt computing requirements?
- The prompt computing estimates are progressing. The software from EISCAT gitlab is available and has been tested. Still the estimates of the prompt computing for remote and central sites is still not precise. These have been presented at the EISCAT ARM last year December.
Question: Could there be some loss of contact with NORDUnet? i.e. Link between E3D and NORDUnet/FUNET/UNINETT/SUNET through E3DDS project will no longer be there when E3DDS project ends on 2020-04-30
- EISCAT has good contacts with SUNET and Uninett. Not so much with FUNET.
- The bids for the network in Finland expire(d) in 2019?
- Check with Matti Laipio and Teemu Kiviniemi.
Question: Should we consider the stage 4/5 in the high-bandwidth network plan?
- The sites for stages 4/5 do not have to be explicitly planned for now. As these later stages are far into the future, the technology will advance so that supplying Tb/s network to other sites should be a routine task.
No specific comments made.
No specific comments made.
- AP John: Add two items to the list of services to be considered:
- Due date i.e. does the service have to be deployed on day 1 of operations?
- Usage example (e.g. for batch queue system).
Test Cluster
- AP John: Consider testing with FSRU placed in Kiruna and processing in Umeå
WAN Topology
No comments.
Data Transfer Tests
No comments.
Benefit realization management
- See changes made to: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFN7bPoWfqT2reRf4P0g2W9FzAw8bOlA0UXLJu-qqcM/edit?usp=sharing
NeIC Affiliate programme
- AP Craig and Yasunobu: Identify a shepherd (contact person for E3D)
EISCAT SAC meeting
- No comments.
- E3DDS Stakeholder meeting confirmed in Umeå on 2020-04-28
Next meeting
- E3DDS SG concluding meeting on 2020-05-12 10h00-11h30 CET
- F2F meeting in Uppsala, SE with a possibility to attend via Zoom