Wip wikis

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WiP: acronym for "Work in Progress". Also, you can "wip" something up, and Nordic people may see it as intended for very very important people (double V I P).

NeIC WiP wikis are temporary private throwaway wikis, set up on the fly to help people from different organizations collaborate on drafting documents or set up collaborations. This is intended as an alternative to the classic productivity killer combination office + email.


All current wip wikis are available here:


Wip wikis are generally private. If you want access to an existing wip wiki, contact its principal investigator.

Login is with username/password by default, but can also be set up for x509 certificates, or in some cases using your university login (kalmar2 support is currently being implemented).

Creation and shutdown

If you want a wip wiki for your collaboration, Contact NeIC and describe your need and suggest a name for it.

When you have your wip wiki, log in and set it up like you want it. Wip wikis come pre-filled with some template content, and NeIC can help you to further configure it to your needs. When your wiki is set up to your liking, you can invite collaborators and start working. You can do this yourself using quite simple self-service links in the wiki, or NeIC can help you with this.

When you no longer need your wiki, you can export relevant documents to pdf or move content official NeIC persistent wikis (internal and/or external). NeIC can help you with this. Lastly, the wip will be shut down and any unsaved content deleted.


  • No compatibility issues (microsoft old, microsoft new, libre-, open-, for mac, windows, linux...)
  • Everyone works with the latest version.
  • All can work simultaneously, no stall time waiting for email.
  • No one fiddles with formatting instead of writing text.
  • No one is left out of the loop because someone forgot to cc them at some point.
  • Old versions are readily accessible.

A WiP wiki can for example be used by:

  • Prospective collaborators aiming to start a NeIC project.
  • NeIC project steering groups, and associated personnel and aides.
  • Conference participants.
