Talk:DCache Pool Hardware

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  • Lift out overall performance requirements from to a separate section, with reasoning
    • Introduction that clarifies that this is a data-intensive activity, so bandwidth and performance requirements are much higher than average compute/storage.
    • Per-pool perf recommendations, also absolute minimums. Being able to handle 10 GigE incoming without falling over is probably a must, any limits on performance?
    • Per-site perf recommendations, also absolute minimums. Need to handle local traffic + OPN traffic today (minimum), upcoming networking in the future (recommendation, ie. min 100GigE)
    • Shared storage aspects of this
      • Storage systems
      • Networking (uplinks used for internal communication, TSM-server <-> tape pool commonly forgotten)
      • Single-point of failures (might be anything from compute systems to infrastructure like cooling and power supply)


  • Add a short introtext at the beginning of disk/tape pool sections that describes the function/role for a dCache illiterate, it also makes it easier to understand the storage/performance requirements.
  • Add some rationale for the numbers, i.e. evacuate within 48h or a workweek, end user traffic requirements, etc