Nordic meeting on national strategies for data management

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Time: 2013-10-24 13:00-16:00
Location: Radison Blu SkyCity, Arlanda, Sweden
Registration deadline: 2013-10-22

NeIC as facilitator of Nordic solutions in areas of importance to Nordic researchers is arranging a Nordic workshop meeting on national strategies for data management and would like to invite everone interested to be part of discussion in this important area.

NeIC would like to encourage Nordic collaboration projects on data management. This workshop should be used to establish a platform for knowledge exchange and extract the possibilities for Nordic collaboration in different data management projects at any stage of maturity and to eventually shape them towards concrete proposals. Projects should ideally have a 6-36 month duration, involve two or preferably more Nordic countries, and should lead to concrete, measurable e-infrastructure improvements in the Nordic countries.

Suggested Agenda

Intended timeframe: starting at 13:00, closing at 16:00.

  1. Welcome and who-is-who
  2. Presentations, Brief summary from each country representative on the national goals and priorities regarding data management and related services (10 min each)
    • Tom Langborg for Sweden
    • Andreas Jaunsen for Norway
    • Fredrik Orellana for Denmark
    • Damien Lecarpentier for Finland
  3. Workshop part with the following topics of discussion:
    • Storage services and long-term archiving - what kind of services are considered essential/relevant and how is long-term archiving and access handled?
    • Metadata and community guidelines for metadata provisioning and data format standards - who (if any) has the responsibility for defining and implementing such guidelines in each country?
    • Staging data to/from computing resources
    • Data tools required to conduct science (could be limited to repository-type of tools such as SimpleStore or Dropbox-like services)
    • Interoperability and exchange of data across (Nordic) borders
  4. Concluding remarks and further steps
    • Easy-wins?
    - Concrete short term projects that make sense
    - Longer term project ideas that need further consolidations
    • 2015+ Ideas for Nordic level services
    • Suggested actions for NeIC?
  5. End of Meeting (16:00)


Time frame: Meeting started at 13:00, closed at 16:00.


  • Gudmund Høst
  • Tom Langborg NSC Sweden
  • Dejan Vitlacil PDC Sweden
  • Adil Hasan NorStore Norway
  • Andreas Jaunsen UNINETT/NorStore Norway
  • Damien Lecarpentier CSC Finland
  • Ann-Charlotte Sonnhammer SNIC Sweden
  • Øystein Godøy Meteorologisk institutt Norway
  • Frederik Orellana DeIC Denmark
  • Diba Markus DeIC Denmark

  1. Welcome and who-is-who
  2. Presentations, Brief summary from each country representative on the national goals and priorities regarding data management and related services (10 min each)
    • Tom Langborg for Sweden File:131024-Data-workshop-TTA-presentation per.pptx. Tom Langborg presented SweStore. Data are distributed over six data centers, but htis is invisible to the users. Storage resorces are allocated through the SNIC national procedures, exclusively for users that have projects funded by national funindg agencies. Technologies used include iRods, THREDDS and GRIB. Key figures: 2 PB of data, 60 projects, 10 communities involved. Types of users include, HPC users, non-HPC users. Dropbox-type users are outside their business. The SUNET Box caters for the latter type of users. New services include NFS 4.1, iRODS, Thredds, Yubikey and SUPR.
    • Andreas Jaunsen for Norway File:131024-Data-workshop-NorStore-presentasjon.pdf. NorStore aims to position itself in the data life-cycle, togehter with other elements like cristin (publication data base) and archiving services. Currently 5 PB, aims to double every 1,5 years. Data storage allocation by application. NorStore has a Feide authenticated project management interface (MAS). They also have a national research data archive. NorStore also offer data staging by use of iRODS.
    • Diba Markus for Denmark. DeIC aims to facilitate a national strategy for data management. The strategy process is starting. Universities, libraries and national archives are involved. A main challenge is to develop a national data policy without having the data infrastructure in place.
    • Damien Lecarpentier for Finland File:131024-Data-workshop-TTA-presentation per.pptx. The TTA initiative. Services include IDA (data storage), KATA (data search and retrieval), AVAA (open data catalogue), PAS (long term preservation). Challenges include how to get access. IDA can be used for projects funded by the Academy of Finland or the polytechnics. KATA and AVAA are open to everybody, PAS access will be defined in the future.
  3. Discussion on further steps:
    • Sharing best practises? Sharing domain experts.
    • A collaboration on climate data? Some work is going on in this dimension.
    • Other EUDAT services that could be of interest to the Nordics include replication, AAI and DOIs.
    • Training? There is a need to breed a new type of data scientists.
    • Horizon 2020 Centres of Excellence could be of interest to the Nordics.
    • Future plans of EUDAT? Directions could be closer connection to national initiatives and interoperability. Also, NeIC could collect requirements from the national initiatives and propagate this into the EUDAT context.
    • NeIC could contribute to create bigger projects (larger critical mass), same need projects (bring stakeholders together that have the same needs) and sharing of information.

Registration and Participants

Please register by email to the NeIC Generic Area Coordinator Michaela Barth or add yourself to the list below.

Registration ends on 2013-10-22.

The workshop includes coffee, so please state any special dietary requirements as necessary.

Name Organisation Country Dietary Needs
Michaela Barth NeIC Sweden -
Samuel Lampa SNIC/UPPMAX, BILS Sweden -
Tom Langborg NSC Sweden -
Dejan Vitlacil PDC Sweden -
Adil Hasan NorStore Norway -
Andreas Jaunsen UNINETT/NorStore Norway -
Damien Lecarpentier CSC Finland -
Ann-Charlotte Sonnhammer SNIC Sweden *
Øystein Godøy Meteorologisk institutt Norway -
Rene Belsø DeIC Denmark -
Frederik Orellana DeIC Denmark -
Diba Markus DeIC Denmark -