NT1 meeting 2020-02-26, 09:30, room Saltkråkan, NordForsk, Oslo
Invited: Mattias Wadenstein, HPC2N; Oxana Smirnova, HEP, LU; Michaela Barth, PDC-HPC
- Presence and approval of agenda
- Report highlights
- Staff changes
- Update of ToRs (Decision)
- NORDUnet network contract
- WLCG workshop summer 2020
- NT1 report to NeIC board
- NT1 future directions
- Open actionpoints
Presence and approval of agenda
Decision: Agenda is approved.
Report highlights
Oslo and Linköping still slow in staging from tape.
Mostly meeting pledges. The shortfall of ALICE CPU last quarter has changed to a shortfall of ALICE disk, and ALICE tape is still yellow because less 90% compared to 2019 pledge. ATLAS is good.
ALICE tape takes already two years! - To discuss with NLCG.
Likely not getting green this year because of that. But before LHC starts for for full again in summer 2021.
Staff changes
DS integrating well as ops staff. VG will drop to 25% in March or April. Decision is on USIT site. We will keep him as expert for in depth knowledge.
We have done a more detailed work task breakdown, to be reflected in: https://wiki.neic.no/int/NT1_Responsibilities task breakdown section
Planning to recruit a storage developer this spring. We will see long term negative impact not having enough dCache development inhouse otherwise.
Update of ToRs (Decision)
Decision: The SG approves the updated ToR as in the latest CA1 suggestion as sent out via email.
NORDUnet network contract
Contract signed, NORDUnet was asked to improve reporting their billing. Follow-up after receiving first bill in case they don’t remember.
WLCG workshop May 2020
Registration open, 35+ people registered.
Parallel events still negotiated. LHCOPN/LHCONE meeting is a likely one.
Sponsors still needed. Mattias to follow up next week.
Could use NeIC banner. Alt: Waffle iron.
AP Mattias: Make sure the banner gets transferred.
NT1 report to NeIC board
22 Mar Board docs finalized and submitted (authors responsible to have docs proofread before this point)
Focus on long-term sustainability
NeIC Infrastructure hidden inside NT1:
- SGAS devel
- wiki
- Indico
Efforts to run disks: in-kind reduced by about half an FTE thanks to efficiency improvements
ARC extension submitted one hour ago.
Onboarding new communities in context with that.
List external dependencies as in appendix 3 of the CA document.
All highlights!
NT1 future directions
Some speculation on where NT1 can be heading in the future for greater results:
Administrative and technical head allowing more focus, like Michael and Josva in the old days
We need: dCache storage expert more dCache development Someone to offload Mattias for creating a dynamic duo and improve overall quality.
Serving several (half a dozen?) communities with operations, not just WLCG
Doing twice as much with 1.5 times more people.
Onboarding too slow, these collaboration work extremely slowly. Still we won’t be onboarding a new community every month.
Open actionpoints
- AP Mattias: Start again from scratch and think what he wants to go in there.
- AP Mattias to draft the Job announcement for the dCache storage and development at 75% engagement
- AP Mattias: Make sure the banner gets transferred to WLCG workshop.
- AP Mattias: schedule interviews with applicants. (done)
- AP Mattias to contact SE and offer his help to go through the CA document. (done)
- AP Michaela to inform CA signees about status. (done)
- AP Maswan: Find evaluation and link from wikipage for reference. (done)
- AP Oxana, Mattias: Bring up discussed ideas with WLCG workshop LOC. -> superseded by discussions in this meeting
- AP Michaela to clean up her first thoughts until end of November (hanging, but discussed, see above)
- AP Mattias to sketch NT1-update content still in December (discussed, see above)
- AP Oxana to go through onboarding document
- discussion during AHM + 50000 NOK in the budget for setting up the testbed
- AP Mattias to create Tier-1 pledged hardware tracking website
- AP: Oxana: Advertising pamphlet (no update)
- AP: Mattias to make operational procedures again public and up to date so it can be referred to. (no update)