NT1 meeting 2019-05-23, 08:30 NordForsk, Oslo
Invited: Mattias Wadenstein, HPC2N; Oxana Smirnova, HEP, LU; Michaela Barth, PDC-HPC
Location: https://umu.zoom.us/j/232177985
- Presence and approval of agenda
- Report highlights
- CA status
- WLCG workshop summer 2020
- Open actionpoints
Live Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lGvIMMSsQXXx60f70dFDSqOu1bkiwA9IwOPXkaz3CRQ/edit
Presence and approval of agenda
Presence: Michaela, Mattias, Oxana
Suggestions: Move Open action points further up and look at risklist and DP checklist in case of time.
Decision: We have quorum. The agenda is approved with the changes above.
Open actionpoints
From last meeting:
- AP: Mattias to prepare a basic list on who is doing what within NT1 context. (in progress)
- AP: Michaela to send draft list of competencies she has listed so far. (done)
- AP: Michaela to book phonecalls with signees in NO and FI (done).
- AP: Oxana to write down an advertisement pamphlet on what the NT1 could offer to those communities so they end with a nice coherent service offering that fits into the international collaboration, in case they will seek support for a distributed e-Infrastructure (and apply for funding)
- AP: NT1 prepare how to switch to ARC slides for Taipei (done)
- AP: NT1: see if someone volunteers to automatize the calculating papers http://inspirehep.net/ query: find cn ATLAS and date 01-01-2018->31-12-2018 (done)
- AP: Mattias to make operational procedures again public and up to date so it can be referred to. (in progress)
AP: Mattias follow up on automatization of calculating papers
Report highlights
Network upgrade in DK was a success effectively doubling the bandwith. No upper limit reached yet. Bandwidth will improve again after upgrade in NO and Slovenia.
Next quarter ALICE tape pledge should be > 80% of target, but installed capacity likely below pledge instead (still yellow). Likely also for ALICE disk, even though Norwegian disk pledge was reduced.
Future reports: Table of percentages for the whole nordic pledge vs delivered.
Most important points: Norwegian Network upgrade and the needed upgrades to meet 2019 pledge.
CA status
Michaela had her online meeting on 24th of April with Katri Huitu and Antti Väihkönen from HIP. Thomas Lindén was also present and explained the purpose of the CA to them.
Big changes: 1.3 , 3.2, times in 7 and especially 7.4_3
Their feedback was incorporated and checked with NordForsk lawyer. So those changes should be fine. Added additional point 1.5, waiting for NordForsk to give feedback on that as well.
Updated to current valid template (CA template discussion also still ongoing).
Bilateral MoUs for the different countries all at different starting dates, so no sense to go for a synchronisation with the starting date.
Decision: Good enough to add descriptions and go for a second round once NordForsk comes back on 1.5.
WLCG workshop summer 2020
Early proposal sent in to hold it at Folkets Hus. Preliminary feedback came in. EGI hinted that EGI might not like to come to Umeå. Good to have the WLCG workshop in Umeå (instead of Adelaide).
Risk list review
The risk list was updated.
DP Checklist
The DP checklist was updated.
- Taking up NT1 biannually at NeIC Board meeting starting with first in 2020.
- AP Mattias check with Kine on first page for job announcement
- AP Oxana: Add suggestion for new minutes procedure to next NCLG meeting