NT1 meeting 2019-02-26, 10:30 NordForsk, Oslo
Invited: Mattias Wadenstein, HPC2N; Oxana Smirnova, HEP, LU; Michaela Barth, PDC-HPC
- Presence
- Report highlights
- Staff competency mapping
- CA status
- Onboarding more communities
- ARC outreach to WLCG sites
Mattias, Oxana, Michaela
Report highlights
- Linköping back in production
- Network upgrade in Copenhagen
- Network architecture planning in Norway also progressing
- Hosting the LHCOPN+LHCONE meeting in summer 2019 in Umeå (~20-30 participants, networking experts)
- Possibly hosting the joint HSF and WLCG workshop in summer 2020, also in Umeå, ca 200 participants, so far positive response from CERN
- pre-production SRM was counted as full production, therefore bad reliability number of only 97% (flagged yellow!), we still hope for a recalculation, though
- user satisfaction finally back at yellow! (still using old pledges until April 1st, though.)
- No vendor quotes yet (and that wouldn’t be part of Q4 report anyway)
Staff changes: none, besides new external funded position (B.K.)
Staff competency mapping
lifted at team session at NeIC AHM: competence mapping database Should include competencies that are of relevance within NeIC project also other competences like Indico or GitHub.
AP: Mattias to prepare basic list on who is doing what within NT1 context. AP: Michaela to send draft list of competencies she has listed so far.
CA status
- Successful phone meetings with SE and DK.
- Continued follow-up necessary in NO and FI.
- Needs review of Norwegian stakeholders
AP: Michaela to book phonecalls with signees in NO and FI
Onboarding more communities
WLCG strategy document needs final comments until next WLCG workshop. “Evolution of Scientific Computing”
Concrete communities looking towards modelling part of their IT infrastructure up to actually running directly on the WLCG infrastructure
- XENON (have approached NT1 specifically)
- IceCube (have approached NT1 specifically)
- EISCAT_3D (have approached NT1 specifically)
- Belle II
- SKA (connection with LOFAR), (very active in Sweden, in Gothenburg)
- CTA (Partners in Norway, Finland, and Sweden including physics KTH)
- DUNE (Fermilab, Finland and Sweden partner, very few though)
AP: Oxana to write down an advertisement pamphlet on what the NT1 could offer to those communities so they end with a nice coherent service offering that fits into the international collaboration, in case they will seek support for a distributed e-Infrastructure (and apply for funding)
Our mission here is to reduce the obstacles for Nordic partners to contribute computing and storage to international collaborations, so that if they are asked to contribute the only real hurdle should be getting the money/resources granted, we should be ready to solve the rest.
ARC outreach to WLCG sites
Since the CREAM Grid-CE now has a published end of service date (2020), so we want to push for ARC uptake among WLCG sites currently running CREAM. In order to do this we are arranging a set of workshops for WLCG sites, starting with one colocated with ISGC in Taipei on April 1st. The next one is pencilled in for the EGI conference in Amsterdam in May. More of these events are probably needed during 2019 and 2020.
AP: NT1 prepare how to switch to ARC slides for Taipei
- Open action points
- AP: Mattias to make operational procedures again public and up to date so it can be referred to. still open
- Poster for ISC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xEs3lqcpG6Fs5EGmTp-Ytf-RoP1BVRgD/view
- Annual report 2018
- Automatization of calculating papers?
- AP: NT1: see if someone volunteers to do this.
- http://inspirehep.net/ query: find cn ATLAS and date 01-01-2018->31-12-2018