This page contains public information about the project NICEST2.
Expected Start: June 2020
Budget: 7.8 person years (2.6 per year)
Consortium: see
Background and Goals
NICEST-2 - the second phase of the Nordic Collaboration on e-Infrastructures for Earth System Modelling focuses on strengthening the Nordic position within climate modelling by leveraging, reinforcing and complementing ongoing initiatives. It builds on previous efforts within NICEST (a 3-year NeIC project as of 2017-01) and NordicESM (3-year NordForsk funded project from 2014-12).
Planned activities include:
- Enhance the performance and optimize and homogenize workflows used, so climate models (like EC-EARTH and NorESM) can be run in an efficient way on future computing resources (e.g. EuroHPC LUMI).
- Widen the usage and expertise on evaluating Earth System Models and develop new diagnostic modules for the Nordic region within the ESMValTool.
- Create a roadmap for FAIRification of Nordic climate model data.
Steering group
Meetings, 3-4 per year: NICEST2 steering group minutes
Please see the NeIC official website.
Collaboration Forum
The Collaboration Forum meets once a year. It's members (sorted by size of contribution):
- Rob Pennington, NeIC
- Hamish Struthers, NSC, SE
- Francesca Iozzi, Sigma2, NO
- Risto Makkonen, FMI, FI
- Øyvind Seland, METNO, NO
- Mats Bentsen, NORCE, NO
- Yanchun He, NERSC, NO
- Arto Aniluoto, CSC, FI
- Michael Boy, University of Helsinki/INAR, FI
- Shuting Yang, DMI, DK
- Klaus Zimmermann, SMHI, SE
- Aarne Männik, TalTech, EE
Please see the NeIC official website.
NICEST2 management meetings (internal)
Please see the NeIC official website.
- (to be collected here)
Public documents