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Team Meeting Glenna2

Present: MathiasL, Oliver, Anders, Ingemar, ThomasR, Dan



  • Thomas will go on leave from UniOslo
  • Oliver will work until the last of November Use Cases

Use Cases Thomas:

  • Use case the instance is running on the Nird service platform
  • There was an issue building container install mini conda but when added packages it never really worked
  • logged in to container and installed packages there

Oliver: you want to package everything you need. Thoams: don't need all packages into container. Anders: python dependencies is a challenge. Can use command for estimating different

layer sizes of docker image 

Thomas working on use case for supporting course CS department want to run jupyther hub they have prepared images for Jupyther hub.

OLiver: looking at Jupyther hub in Ola's lab

Oliver: doing grid search excercise two use cases that look at transforming notebook into a pipeline Kubeflow is re installed and updating. Oliver likes the pipeline UI concept in KubeFlow. It really is a toolbox as well. It's a bit high entry and learning curve. Still need to specify Kubernetes resources as GPU:s

Can aggregate things in HelmCharts Strongly recommend Rancher for kubernetes clusters Tryggve will run rancher setup, in each country.

Dan should talk to Juha.

Oliver: about conda

Anders: looking at scaling Kubefed1 and Kubefed2 loloking at Rancher Submariner for multi cluster networks a new open-source project enabling network connectivity between Kubernetes clusters.

Between local and joining aws vistual machine into local Spjuth kubernetes cluster

Ingemar experimenting when provision also configure vpn tunnels between regions. Handled by Neutron in OpenStack. In theory a user can configure a endpoint in Neutron.

Will experiment with VPN tunnels that add encryption.

Rackspace fon not run horizon. They have their own interface.

Mathias: provisioning HPC harware into SSC Nova and SLURM. Takes around 30 mins for provisioning centos on HPC and ubunto on cloud side