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Glenna2 Team Meeting 2019-08-23 10:00 CEST

Apurva, Salman, Anders, Oliver, Mathias, Thomas R, Raymond, Kalle, Dan

1. Presentation by Salman regression data

2. Aim reports

Oliver: Kubeflow put training workflow in automated kubeflow pipeline. Data ingestion, pre training

Kubeflow can be enabled on OpenShift (Apurva) released in July changes to how kubeflow worked previously Istio is fixed and resolved OpenShift issues Support for Jupyter notebooks export nb and turn into ML pipeline.

Apurva: Kafka soon running on OpenShift Visualize temparature in real time

Thomas: spun up some instances on NIRD for the use case. At the time it did not really work look further soon

Ingemar: SSC doing good. Installed new control plane for Rocky

Mathias. final testing on new cluster. Will close down old hardware. Will start looking into the Glenna tasks tripleo vs Juju presentation mathias to do in three weeks. Kalle (moved on) gave original preentation. AMD HW for CPEH workload testing could be used. Mathias to do report on results, can share. Blocker for rome or epic in virtualization. Mathis not yet tested that.

Nordunet technical Workshop. Who's going? Dan Kalle Ingemar?