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Glenna2 Team meeting and planning session 2019-04-17

Salman, Oliver, Anders, Ingemar, Kalle, Yacine, Dan

1. Work with DeepDive to connect the BioVel portal to SSC

  - SNIC wants to audit the site to make sure GDPR is followed 

2. Dan gave status on Gean WP4T3 developments

  - interest in DataPorten as AAI mechanism 
  - Gurvinders exit is an issue for Uninett participation 

2. Proposal for AI machine learning project

   - important to connect to other projects 
   - wasp has not focus on technical development per se

DL2021 project in Finland the CSC environment synergy CSC to write about connection

should also connect to iOBS project

Salman: Microscope data continously to retrain the models

machine lerning models could control robotics a lot of people have video microscopes and reference implementation

SSF funded application HASTE

EOSC Nordic connect with Francesca

EOSC Life (Tommi Nyrönen) Investigate what we do at CSC.

Mention KubeFlow

Write about about the existing landscape Near future GPU:s available existing DL2021 Rahti NIRD tolkit ap to Dan

We need a description of EOSC Nordic and that we could do ML with EOSC Nordic