Aim2 Meeting 2018-11-12
Apurva, Olli, Gurvinder, Dan
Discussion on which aim for machine learning Aim2 or Aim3 Gurvinder: should fit Aim2 well
Gurvinder:overly complicated for small things, lots of dependencies Apurva coould be good to have something scalable
Gurvinder can scale # of GPU:s in Appstore TensorBoard needed
Gurvinder: Kubeflow only for Tensorflow but there are many different frameworks
No namespaces RBAC (role based access control) for CRD:s
6-7 research groupos using Appstore
Appsore officially Sigma2 service since last week
Rahti soon in Open beta no billing Erik working on actual billing
Apurva: a number of requests for CSC Spark clusters
A: Any plans for HDFS G: do not really need it
A: ObjStorage not as fast as HDFS
Gluster on top of Ceph
Apurva gave recently a course on Spark in Chile demonstrating Spark on Kubernetes
Geocommunity usecase: Notebooks running on Rahti Eduardo (at CSC) Henrikki Tenkanen
More Self service is what you want - would be nice to have on Notebooks
Juha Hulkkonen in Alexis team is looking at Spark and Kafka
R studio runs asa non-root on Appstore in Helmcharts
Tip of the month for CSC !!!!!
Apurva: trying to move away from the docker driver in Notebooks
10th of December next meeting