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Glenna2 team meeting


Meeting 15th of Novembert 2017 at 09:00-11:30 cest

Present: Gurvinder, Ola Spjuth, MatteoCarone, Anders Larsson, Marco Capuccini, Aleksi Kallio, Michaela, Dan

Channels: Google Hangouts:

1. Kubernetes Focus Call

Gurvinder: Kubernetes Appstore in Norway using cloud foundry in production for 2 months EPOS community

Tensorflow in use with GPU:s in Norway MarcoC: Kubenow uses Terraform to start the VM:s

[fill in Ola:s and Aleksis presentations]

MarcoC EasyMapReduce project at UU leverages the power of Docker and Spark to run and scale serial tools in MapReduce fashion.

Matteo: CERN has a federation cleint for object store.

2. results and actions of the meeting

Comprehensive view of what's going on at UU/Uppmax, Uninett, CSC in Kubernetes. Appstore concept combined with Dataporten AAI potentially useful for Nordics

Next step: Continue with OpeShift focus call (Olli, Risto, Matteo, Ola + 2 others from UU)