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Glenna2 team meeting


Meeting 21st of September 2017 at 10.00-11.00 CEST

Present: Matteo, Olli, Risto, Kasper, Dan

Apologies: Gurvinder

Channels: Google Hangouts:

1. Review of last meeting and News

2. Action points - progress & issues

ap Dan send cPouta account applic to Matteo

3. Todays topics - issues to discuss:

  • Matteo Carone introduction

Phenomenal H2020 project Phenoma as a project is a full stack of services. Portal for researchers basically microservices Help drug discovery process Help Data Intensive analysis Jupyter notebooks Galaxy On top of infrastructure you have Kubenow which is PaaS

Cubenow a PaaS

  • Kubernetes status in Nordics - Pebbles & Notebooks
  • OwnCloud/Nextcloud status

DeIC moving to nextcloud

  • Use case opportunities

Openstack for Phenomenal Could Ubernetes be used for larger jobs

Phenomenal users can currently deploy on AWS and Google commercial clouds using their personal credentials. OpenStack clouds will follow.

Matteo looking at Onedata ( data storage and MXnet ( for deep learning

  • Steps to take in order to achieve “deployment of applications across kubernetes instances”


4. Any other business

5. Next meeting TBD dependent on Gurvinder schedule