Glenna/WP2 WeeklyMeet-2015-11-10
Agenda & Minutes
Meeting 10th of November 13:00-14:15CET
Present: Dan, Thomas, Ingemar
Google Hangouts:
Live minutes at:
1. Introduction
2. Today's topics - issues to discuss:
- review of action points
- edit template at:
Notes from meeting:
Still on-going: Thomas will get a document requesting info on and interest was shown towards the project and it's objectives regarding federated services. The project could invite someone from UiO security to a meeting or equiv.
Opening up the UiO Lifeportal is still on-going, but we have the first success: HAKA authentication does now work through Kalmar2, however SWAMID does not yet work. Thomas to send Ingemar some information in order to get this working also for Sweden.
3. action points
- AP Dan: investigate EduGain vs. Kalmar2
- AP: Ingemar: Fill in the Swedish parts in the table
- AP Dan: produce a breakdown&story of list of needed attributes in Kalmar2
4. Any other business
5. Next meeting