E3DS SteeringGroupMeeting 10012017

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NeIC EISCAT_3D steering group meeting

Time: Tuesday 2017/01/10 at 09:00-15:00 CET
Place: Nordforsk, Oslo, NO
Room: Conference room.



Approval of agenda




Approve agenda.

Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of previous meeting [1]


Approve previous minutes.

Minutes are approved. (JW)

EISCAT_3D Project Status


In case Craig would like to update the slides from Stakeholder meeting that can be found here.


  • Craig referred to Ingemar’s status report for the stakeholder meeting. Construction is pending a funding decision by UK, which is anticipated in April 2017. They currently have about 70% of the funding and would need 90% to start construction. Currently they are running the PfP project for a test array.
  • Skibotn will be manned for some time. And they could do the operations from there for some time due to that.


Status is noted.

E3DS Project status



Here are Status Slides

  • They will need up to 500 TFlops at peaks, but not very often. Could they use an existing «cloud data center» for elasticity?
  • Craig: What do we mean by an operations centre? An operations center may mainly be a command centre that can be very lightweight.
  • John: Is this in fact the control room? There is a need to clarify terminology and concepts. «Control room» vs «compute centre»?
  • Proposal for a EISCAT_3D data chain simulator: Craig sees this as part of the EISCAT_3D project itself.
  • Craig: Simulate it and then build it, or build it and then fix the problems. The latter approach may be favourable.
  • Proposal for an implementation and deployment project:
  • virtualization technology


  • Steering group takes note of the presentation.

Review of the Action list


Action list can be found at [2]


No need to change though. Good for keeping track of longer term work.


  • Include Ingemar in action 34.
  • Change status of actions: Remove 23, 27. Change 28, 29, 19. 24 is done, 32 is done 33 is done, 36 is done.
  • Rest of action list is up to date.

Document Discussion MD-3


"Report on solutions for the data archive, including a description on how 
users can get access to adequate computing facilities. Start on "on how 
users can get access to adequate computing facilities" in September 2016

This has been started with many telephone conferences on the subject and also the stakeholder meeting where the science cases and required computing presented.

Document in draft form... need to add the information we gained in the Stakeholders meeting.

Also, the ideas for the virtualized computing environments should be outlined.


Here the SG should determine the new schedule for this document. Why? Only week and a bit before NeIC AH meeting. (not feasible to get much done during that week). Feb 15th to 22nd we are in India! (Holiday). Sensible schedule?


The draft to be started into the review process and be produced by second week of Feb 2017.

Document Discussion MA-4


"Recommended solutions for the operation and data centres"

Delay the decision on MA-4 start-up until SG meeting 11/2016

This document is an update on the MA-1/2.

But some results of pilot projects will not be known for a while (EUDAT?)


The SG discussed how this document may be modified to reflect the idea that the E3DS project could produce procurement-compatible documents for the EISCAT_3D Data and Operations centres. What is a procurement document? Some state-owned provider organisations (eg SUNET) cannot participate in open tenders in competition with industry. But they can participate in RFIs (requests for information).

Tentative document title: "Procurement-compatible solutions for data centres"


  • New document title: "Procurement-compatible solutions for data centres"
  • Deadline: Ready for SG approval April 2017.

Document Discussion MB-4

"Consultation on the procurement plan for EISCAT_3D core site {test-subarray} in particular to ensure its compliance with the overall high level computing architecture of the EISCAT_3D system."


Now that PfP project has signed contracts, we can discuss with them what they would like to have done for this document. As of end of 2016, not possible to move forward. Scheduled meetings with PfP in 2017. We have interest especially from the Tromso group in this.



  • Let PfP project determine what they need for this work.
  • Deadline: Ready for SG approval March 2017.

Stakeholder meeting and future directions...


Stakeholder meeting agenda, slides, notes are found here

Slides are found here

Science cases/computing spreadsheet is found here The stakeholders in the meeting had questions on funding, the use of FPGAs, use cases, the 20 PB buffer, a virtualized operations center etc. In their next meeting the stakeholders wished to discuss procurement timetables, site control, virtualized operations.


The on site computing requires high-throughput. Can it easily be used for general purpose computing tasks? Yes, it seems so. Discussions on power consumption and requirements. EISCAT may wish to turn off power to computing in order to save electricity during low activity. Discussions on future prospects for work where EISCAT could benefit from NeIC expertise and contacts to national providers (CSC, SNIC, UNINETT Sigma2). Future project ideas may fit in as a work package in the EISCAT_3D construction phase, given positive funding decisions later this spring. Another possibility could also be to include some work as a use case for the NeIC cloud project Glenna II.


A project directive from NeIC (and relevant stakeholders) on follow-up to the present E3DS project would not be needed until more is known about the funding for EISCAT_3D and plans for construction phase are more concrete.

Next documents - Project plan


We need to plan the next 6 months (1 year) of work. The project plan has defined the work up to December 2016 with approximate dates for later work. The following documents all have approximate dates in 2017...

MA-4 "Recommended solutions for the operation and data centres." (from last SG meeting)

MC-2 "Report identifying work packages and interfaces, required IT expertise at different stages of the implementation." (Second half of 2016 or later)

MC-3 "Report on possible solutions for recruitment of the different experts needed for construction and commissioning of EISCAT_3D." (Second half of 2016 or later)

MD-1 "Report on the requirements for the EISCAT_3D data archive." (Second half of 2016 or later)

MD-2 "Report on requirements for user’s access to the data archive." (Second half of 2016 or later)

MD-3 "Report on solutions for the data archive, including a description on how
 users can get access to adequate computing facilities." (Second half of 2016 or later)


Project plan is [here]

Gantt chart from project plan is here

Need to discuss these documents and assign an order for 2017. Aligned with the PfP project schedule. Consider the summer holidays and "conference" time coming up.


MA-4 "Recommended solutions for the operation and data centres." Due April 2017 (see above).

MC-2 "Report identifying work packages and interfaces, required IT expertise at different stages of the implementation." Due 2H 2017

MC-3 "Report on possible solutions for recruitment of the different experts needed for construction and commissioning of EISCAT_3D." Due 2H 2017

MD-1 "Report on the requirements for the EISCAT_3D data archive." Due 2H 2017

MD-2 "Report on requirements for user’s access to the data archive." Due September 2017.

MD-3 "Report on solutions for the data archive, including a description on how
 users can get access to adequate computing facilities." Due April 2017.

Action: PM revises Gantt chart and project plan accordingly.


Background and Discussion


  • Unfavourable funding decision in April.
  • Postponed funding decision and uncertainty regarding response from NO or SE.
  • A slower roll-out of 100 GB internet
  • PM falls ill?
  • Potentially costly elements? Networking costs. Cost likely to come down over time.
  • In general, cost of IT infrastructure and rapid technological changes for IT


  • Risks were noted.





  • Project will be continued.

Other questions



Proposed Decision

Next meeting




Tentatively 22nd august. To be confirmed ca June.
