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Steering group video meeting 2017-03-20 discussing the EuSSI proposal


  • 2017-03-20 9:00-15:00


Video meeting.



  • Gerd Behrmann
  • Hans Eide
  • Lene Krøl Andersen
  • Radovan Bast
  • Gudmund Høst
  • Michaela Barth
  • Rossen Apostolov
  • Martti Louhivuori


  • Radovan Bast
  • Gerd Behrmann
  • Hans Eide
  • Lene Krøl Andersen
  • Gudmund Høst
  • Michaela Barth
  • Rossen Apostolov
  • Martti Louhivuori


  • Overview of the NeIC board decision
  • EuSSI proposal timeline
  • EuSSI proposal, WP3, WP5, WP6 (draft document distributed to participants via email)
  • EuSSI NordForsk description (draft document distributed to participants via email)
  • EuSSI Budget (draft document distributed to participants via email)
  • Infrastructure requirements status
  • Next meeting

Meeting minutes:

These meeting minutes have been approved by the meeting participants.

NeIC board decision

NeIC board preferably wanted to see that NeIC/NordForsk is the partner in this initiative because it would be more transparent and that the coordination would go through CodeRefinery (CR) project manager and if this would not work, one would engage a national partner as a fallback option.

Lifetime of the EuSSI is 3 years with little overlap to current CodeRefinery project. On the other hand, NeIC has long term plans to possibly also a follow-up of CR.

If coordination goes through PM, then early end of CR project could put strain on the EuSSI project. This is probably not a problem since these are related but independent projects. PM professional lifetime coupled with funding coming via CR, but if NordForsk as legal entity that should be even less of a problem. The work in this project will be subcontracted to the partners anyway. Partners to be listed: UiT and PDC-HPC@KTH (needs confirmation). Or not list any subcontracting partners at all and rather explain how NeIC operates? Need a clear description of the text to be confirmed with partner administration before listing as a subcontractor

Will EU approve the subcontracting? Adding one additional level of bureaucracy.

Joint Nordic collaboration: put through the test and ensuring contribution. Compare to e.g. PRACE and relation to SNIC or UNINETT Sigma2.

EuSSI proposal timeline

Radovan needs to clarify starting time. Will run for 3 years. Main NordForsk commitments is during months 1-16.


Points to consider:

  • maintenance of software
  • discoverability


Does not make sense that NordForsk is not participating. Could engage even in-kind via Pool Competencies. EU project could give NeIC projects a broader context. AP Lene and Michaela to draft text and communicate to Radovan.


Suggestion: use Sigma2 rate for PM.

  • AP Hans to find out the Sigma2 rate for one PM.
  • AP Radovan to inquire about PM cost for CERN. Does it include overhead or not?

Our understanding is that this project is fully funded. In other words no co-funding. Distribution of the PMs.

Risks: dependencies to other partners are present. Explain risks and mitigations in the proposal.


  • subcontracting work
  • competition with other EU projects such as PRACE CodeVault, PRACE GitLab repository (proposed WP6 prototype service)
  • project will provide recommendations and should also include “competing” projects in the study
  • explicitly state connections and communication to other EU projects such as PRACE-RI and EUDAT2020

NordForsk description:

  • Expand NeIC part
  • Mention major NeIC project
  • Mention PoCo and link to WP2